Have you noticed that often we keep saying to ourselves that ‘I will be happy, when xy happens.‘, instead of just being in the present and enjoying the smaller (or bigger) things that could give us happiness.
First of all, let me ask you what does happiness mean to you? Why is it important for you to be happy?
Have you thought about it? If so, let me know below ⬇️!
There are different definitions to happiness. My favourite one is:
‘It is an overall experience of pleasure and meaning and flow.’
And we are creating it! How amazing is that?!
What determines our HAPPINESS overall? It is:
😊10% life circumstances
😊40% depending on us
😊50% gens
Let’s start focusing on those 40% and make our lives happier now! What do you think about it?
P.S.: Happiness is a product of our journey, NOT the end goal! Don’t wait to be happy when you achieve or have certain things. Decide it today and give your best!
Live, Love and BEinCHARGE!