Business Coaching and Sales Mentoring

I personally find it super important both in a person’s individual life and in a company’s performance
to have a good understanding of sales practices and how to sell different products and services to
potential clients.

Being an account manager for properties in different countries within the EMEA region, building
networking groups and opening markets, I have developed a knowledge that I would be happy to
share as every market and every client is different. When being a sales representative, our success
relies on how well we network, how well we listen to, how well we know our product’s/services’
unique selling points (USPs) and what is our strategy moving forward.

To help you identify what sales mentoring is, let me introduce the main topics in a short description

Sales Networking Skills

Have you ever heard about the below networking myths?

  • ‘I have tried networking, but it is not for me.’
  • ‘I am not an outgoing and chatty person. How would I network?’
  • ‘Why would I waste time and energy on networking, when I can write several introduction emails and make cold calls in that time?’

Before I tell you more about networking, let me ask you to think about a successful businessman or
businesswoman you look up to. What do they have in common? Have you thought about it? If not,
let me share my experience! I have found that these people have a great network that they have
built over the years, they ask questions to understand exactly what the other businessman or
businesswoman does exactly, they listen and of course provide support to each other. Am I right?

Networking is one of the most important business development techniques’ that all businesses
should master and be confident in, starting with building and maintaining professional relationships
to understanding what referrals are in order to improve your sales performance.

During this topic we would discover together: How to become a professional networker

  • Why networking skills are important
  • How to introduce your business under 60 seconds
  • How others can remember you and become your sales team
  • How to build a strategic partnership
  • and many more
Sales Strategy

Every business needs to have a sales strategy, an action plan, clear vision, targets to achieve, etc. in
order to become more and more successful.

Let us not run so in advance! First, let’s identify what sales strategy is!

Sales strategy is a detailed action plan, where we decide how we would like to sell our products and
services and how can we position them on the market(s). It usually contains the following steps:

  • Identifying and understanding your potential customers (by age, gender, location, spending
    habits, etc.) by different market segmentation
  • Organising a market research for better understanding of potential clients’ habits
  • Finding your niche
  • Having an organised plan about account management by locations, commission fees
  • Understanding and knowing your competitors (what do they offer, how is it different from
    your products and services, on what price do they offer it, etc.)
  • Having a personal story about our services/products and knowing its unique selling points
  • Understanding and identifying your clients’ needs than offer a solution to it
Sales and Selling Techniques

I believe one of the most important things are to understand our customers’ needs and offer a
potential solution to that, meaning to closing the gap between the current situation where the
clients are compared to the ideal, future situation. Do you agree with me? I hope you are!

When we are going to discover this topic, we will chat about how to uncover partners’ needs (by
using different questioning technics), identify the obstacles our partners’ might have and learn about
the impact (personal and professional) it might have on them by achieving their goals. Using this
questioning technique, we will be able to define the main interest of our potential clients, the buying
criteria, and the leading buying motive (emotional driver).

Competitive Pricing

I am sure you have asked many times yourself what is the right price I should sell my
products/services for or if my prices are competitive enough on the market.

Did you know that the number one factor customers are looking for are the competitive prices?
With the right pricing and trustful products/services we can be sure that our clients will stay with us
and will be loyal to us.

During this topic we will be discussing how could we identify competitors’ pricing, what does a VPN
tool mean and why could it be good to offer different rates on different markets/IP addresses.

If I have managed to raise your interest in Sales Mentoring, please do not hesitate to contact me on
the below e-mail address to schedule a 20-minute Introduction Call, where we could discuss what
improvements you are looking for and how could I support you in that.

Let’s take full responsibility in sales performance improvement and BEinCHARGE for our future!

Look forward to talking to you,


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